I think the key points to remember from this weeks reading were:
This weeks readings focused on research and evaluation, which is an ongoing process that is used by practitioners. This not only assists in seeing how well/far they have come, it helps to determine what areas need work. Research is used throughout a practitioners work as it is needed when starting a plan in order to get a situational analysis. While this may be composed of secondary research or 'informal research' (i.e obtaining information from data sources such as ABS, the internet or a companies fact sheet) it is still a form of research. However, for some areas primary data/research 'formal research' is needed such as when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of a campaign.
There are three considerations for a practioner when it comes to conducting research, these are:
- time
- money
- availability of human resources
The area of formal research includes quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data is usually measurable and results can be explained in a mathematical analysis. From a marketers perspective this would be to process the data through SPSS - a statistics computer program. Quantitative data is best for larger numbers and provides information about 'how' and 'what'. Qualitative data can be called descriptive as it explains the 'why' of research. This is best for smaller numbers and has open ended outcomes. Techniques such as focus groups and in-depth interviews are most suitable for qualitative analysis as it allows for explanations.
The readings made me think about PR theory /practice in that:
- The need for research flows through a PR process
- The various techniques within formal & informal research should be considered before applying them - determining the best technique will reduce the wastage of resources.
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